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Samuel Adams Triple Bock - sent 141 times

Samuel Adams

Brewed since 1991 in United States of America

17.5 % alc. vol.

Triple Bock is complex, elegant, and has the depth and complexity of a fine cognac, vintage port or an old sherry. Non-carbonated, ruby-black, and very
special, Triple Bock should be sipped from a small snifter in a two-ounce serving.

This is a beer to savor, and sip slowly. Triple Bock has a brandy-like warmth and a complex melange of fruity, woody, and toffee-like flavors. Let the
aroma fill your mouth and nose with rich malt and fruit overtones. Savor and appreciate its enormous character.

Serve Triple Bock as you would a fine sherry, at room temperature, in a small snifter. One bottle generously serves two or three. Recork and store standing
up. Once poured into a small glass, the layers of aroma and flavor will continue to evolve as the deep ruby brew warms in the hand.



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