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Carlsberg - sent 4 times

Photos Photiades Breweries Ltd

Brewed since 1969 in Cyprus

4.6 % alc. vol.

Carlsberg is the No1 selling in Cyprus, with over 51% of the total market and one of the fastest growing beer brands worldwide. It is a premium quality lager, synonymous with international sports and music sponsorship that is popular with regular and occasional beer drinkers of all ages.

Since 1969, Carlsberg has been brewed and bottled locally in Cyprus by Photos Photiades Breweries Ltd. – proud of the fact that it holds the first-ever brewing license awarded by Carlsberg International outside of Denmark.

The traditional, high quality brewing philosophies that have made Carlsberg Beer probably the best beer in the world are as important today as they were over 150 years ago, when Carl Jacobsen produced the first barrel in Copenhagen. To this day, its famous all malt recipe still comprises of simply malt, hops and water.The malt and hops are still sourced and selected from Denmark, to form the essence of the beer’s unique smooth and refreshing character.

Enjoying the beer - poured from either from bottle, can or draught keg - the drinker is always assured that its quality meets Carlsberg’s highest standards and traditional commitment to beer perfection.


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