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O'Hara's Stout - sent 12 times

Carlow Brewing Company

Brewed since 1998 in Ireland

4.5 % alc. vol.

In April 2000, a panel of 33 International Brewing Experts at the Millennium Brewing Industry International Awards in blind taste tests, voted O’hara’s Celtic Stout the World’s Number One Stout above 74 competing products. The awards held since 1886 are regarded as the most esteemed brewing competitions in the world. The Judges brief in judging the different beers was two fold; firstly in terms of its sensory appeal (i.e. taste, smell etc) and secondly to accredit the commercial worth of the beer quality. They awarded O’Hara’s Celtic Stout the prestigious title of Champion Stout in the International Dark Milds, Stouts and Porters competition in addition to the Gold Medal in its own category for beers between 4.2-6.9% abv.
Full bodied and luxuriously smooth it is the combination of traditional stout hops, an extra pinch of roast barley and crystal clear Irish water that make O’Hara’s Celtic Stout a delicious stout with just enough malt sweetness to balance that discernible roast bite.

International brewing experts are not alone in their praise of O’Hara’s, Irish food and drink critics have also passed very favourable comment on O’Hara’s.

"At a time when Guinness now produces a drink that puts one in mind of what Americans call popsicles , the toasty, roasty, hoppy enervation of O’Hara’s is thrilling. This is a true stout: nutty and buttery with a weighty body and a tart crispness.
The brothers who established the brewing company describe O’Hara’s as the way stout used to taste and anyone with a stout memory will find that the crispness and lucidity of O’Hara’s evokes the pleasures of nostalgia almost as much as the pleasures of drinking" . . . . . John Mckenna, The Irish Times.


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