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Data Protection

As a project of, we take data protection and security very seriously.


This is supposed to be a fun place, and we enjoy getting drunk more than writing all this legal stuff. There are some rules, though, that you should be aware of before using

First of all, we are not responsible for what anyone does with this service. For instance, if you harrass someone using our server, we will tell the victim to go after you, not after us. Please be aware that we will assist victims of abuse that include this server as much as we can in tracking you down.

You may not use this service for any commercial activity. We have not created everything on here ourselves, but everything is copyrighted.

Privacy: Your privacy is very important to us. Your data will never be sold or otherwise given to anybody, nor will anybody except you and the recipient read your messages. The only exception is if you abuse this service as outlined above; in that case we will help the victims as much as we can to track you down. We analyze our access logs for statistical purposes. We can't, however, find out who wrote what when to whom. (Well, actually we could; but we don't and won't - we guarantee it.)

We can't guarantee the accuracy of the information available here. If you find an error, please send us a message and let us know.

What we store stores the following information:

  • one cookie is placed on your system to store your language setting. The cookie has no other purpose, will be fully functional if you supress this cookie.
  • each page-visit puts your IP address in a log file on the server. This is purely for troubleshooting reasons. The log file is accessible to authorized administrators (Techstaff) only.
  • if you add a new beer to our collection, all your submitted information (including the image of the beer) is stored in a temporary database. A beer-admin will either move the details of the beer from the temporary to the productive database (hereby completely anonymizing it) or delete all the information.
  • if you send a beer-card, then all the submitted information will be stored in a temporary database. Upon successfull delivery of the beer-card, sender and recipient name and email together with the sent beer are moved to a log. The text of the card is deleted.
  • if you send us a comment, then all the information submitted is stored in a temporary database. As soon as a beer-admin has reviewed / answered the comment, all information is deleted.
  • beer-cards and emails exchanged with us are stored in a log file on the server. This is purely for troubleshooting reasons. The log file is accessible to authorized administrators (Techstaff) only.

No other information is stored.

Your rights

We are a small group of enthusiasts running this site. So our processes are quite simple:
If you wanto to see what we store about you, if you want to correct any information we store about you (which is really just names and emails when sending beer-cards or when you leave a comment), if you want to be forgotten or want all we have about you in a portable format, then simply contact us via the contact form and state your request in an informal way. We will make sure that you get an answer within the next 30 days.

All other requests, inquieries or questions can also be sent via the contact form as well.

Zürich, 16.06.2018

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